WOW!! Two years in the planning and it's finally here :-) Today we left at dawn
and arrived at Wallyworld Campground (Walmart's parking lot) in Weston, WV at 5:30pm.

Cocktails were definitely in order!!
Tony assumed his favorite position for most of the day :-0
Along the way we passed these HUGE wind turbine propellers on their way to be installed somewhere in West Virginia.
We were impressed with western Maryland and northern West Virginia and the beauty of the rolling hills dotted with silos and free range cattle and horses. Beautiful sights.
Hi There...Sounds like you are well on your way to a FUN TRIP!!!'d better keep an eye on TZ...he's been known to get into trouble when he's traveling...we used to have some FUN LAUGHS when we traveled with "Starlight International"...I'm enjoying your comments...I once went to the tomb of the unknow soldier...quite impressive. HUGS, Mama Holton
Maria you stayed in our hometown!!! Rick and I are both from the Weston area. We graduated from High School there. Wow what a small world that you end up staying there on your first night of the cross country trip!! Have fun and stay safe. Keep in touch so we know you all are ok.
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