We FINALLY made it to Arizona, after 3 days of traveling across Texas and through New Mexico.
Tony dreaming about Cowboys and Indians...... |
Our first stop is to visit with Barbie and Uncle
Pete in the Sonoita / Patagonia area, south of Tucson.
As we drove on to their road, the tree branches were a little too close to the motorhome, and in one instance, Tony had to hold up a long pole with a brush at the end, to move a branch out of the way. We settled in to our parking spot, next to their guest house, and Tony and Uncle Pete decided to grab a ladder and clippers, and drive the pick up back to that overhanging tree and give it a trimming.
I made myself useful in the motorhome, setting up for a week's stay, when I hear the truck pull up, then Uncle Pete at the door: "Maria! We have a major problem! Tony fell off the ladder, and broke his ankle!" Now, instantaneously, I am in a panic: "Where IS he??" Uncle Pete said: "He's laying on the side of the road - we need to get him to the hospital". With that, I was beside myself! Now I picture him laying there, in excruciating pain, with a bone sticking out of his ankle, blood everywhere, coyotes lurking, vultures overhead.....
We reach him, and he's nonchalantly laying on the ground, and his right ankle is almost at about a 30 degree angle to his lower leg. Not a pretty sight. He seems to be OK, but I gave him a Vicoden which I remembered to grab on my way out the door. We load him in the back of the SUV, and high tail it to the Hospital.
Uncle Pete, always the joker |
Next stop....the Emergency Room! |
Notice the face........ |
Luckily, he was seen in about a half an hour, and X-rays revealed a dislocation and fracture of the lower leg bones.
OUCH !!!! |
Uncle Pete found this heading in the papers... |
Effects of Morphine...... |
I got into trouble for taking photos of the X-rays:
I had to shove a burger in my purse to sneak him some food.
Lovin' that "In & Out" Burger! |
Surgery is planned later today, but he is doing well - much better than I expected! However, he won't be able to bear any weight on the ankle, or drive for a long while.
The drive home from the hospital was interesting - in the Jeep, we had a walker, a shower seat and a wheelchair.....oh! and of course Tony, who rode in the cargo area. See if you can find him:
Good thing I do all the driving in the motorhome! Imagine if I didn't??? Now I'll just have to handle hooking up the Jeep to be towed, and handling the electrical and water / sewer lines. Our plans will continue as planned for the rest of the trip, with a few unplanned visits to an Orthopedist for follow-up.
Never a dull moment!!!
We returned to "the ranch", and got him all settled. This time of the year, we are among four couples who visit with Barbie and Uncle Pete. It's great to see everyone again:
Barbie, Stuart, Suzanne and Chuck |
Marlene and Dave |
Chuck and Millie |
And us |
We visited the magnificent home of Susie and Bill, friends of Barbie and Uncle Pete. They have a 360 degree view of the area, which offers some incredible sunsets.
Looked like the clouds were on fire! |
We left the ranch for a visit with my high school friends, Doreen and Bill, who moved from Long Island to AZ last year. Just so happens that Doreen tore her calf muscle playing Pickle Ball in their development, and Gimpy has her leg wrapped up, so she and Tony make a good pair:
We took TZ out shopping and he now qualifies for official Geezer-hood, after riding in the electric scooter cart:
This is my life......... |
Nothing keeps TZ out of Walmart.... |
Back at the house, TZ had a ramp built so he can wheel himself out on to the patio, so he can lap up some of that great Arizona sun. CLICK the arrow to see the video:
Tony saw the orthopedist today, and the soft cast was removed, and another X-Ray was taken, revealing the staples, plate and screws. Then a new, hard cast was applied for another 4 weeks.
Today is Valentine's Day, and we went out to eat with Doreen & Bill, and friends from Saddlebrook Ranch:
Doreen & Bill |
Ted, Nini & Stuart |
Steve & Judy, Judy Judy... |
Tomorrow, I'm off to make good on my Honey's gift certificate for a hot stone massage here at Saddlebrook Ranch......yessss!
Drove to Phoenix for the day, to see Uncle George, and cousins Michelle, Carl, Carol and Amber. Had a delicious bar-b-q with filet mignon, salmon, and all the trimmings.
We headed back to Doreen and Bill's for the rest of our visit, before heading back to Texas for March, where we'll watch the building go up on the property.
We went to the Tucson Rodeo, a first for Doreen and Bill. We had a blast - here's some of the action today:
Bucking broncos |
All four legs off the ground! |
Cowgirls racing around the barrels |
The cowboy on the ground was thrown off after 1.5 seconds |
He made it for only a second or two more |
Notice the hind legs of the bull |
Doreen & Bill |
And us |
Jack Daniel's dancers, and a very happy TZ |
The sunsets at Doreen & Bill's were outstanding!
Along the road, about a hundred feet in, there is a lone Saguaro cactus, and nestled in the branches is an owl on her nest! How often do you get to see this marvel of nature:
Aren't there little furry owlettes in there? |
We headed back to Barbie and Uncle Pete's to pick up the motorhome, before heading east back to Texas. Sorry to leave our friends in Arizona, but God willing, we'll be back next year!