Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Left on our first trip of the spring with Mike & Pam -

Meeting up with the RV.net group over the next few days. The four of us rolled in a day earlier than the rest of the group.
We explored the Battlefield with a Civil War expert who gave us insight on this great battle at Gettysburg.  Although the first shots fired to start the Civil War were at Fort Sumpter, SC, the Battle of Gettysburg was the greatest battle of the war. In the 3 days of this horrific battle, 10,000 died -bodies scattered in 6,000 acres of rolling meadows.  The battlefield is dotted with 1,300 monuments of the participating states, some large, some small, but all very powerful.  

Gen Rbt E Lee, on Traveler

Pam and Mike, with our Guide

A Virginia Snake Rail Fence

We had a great trip and enjoyed the company of our RV.net friends as always.