Friday, September 25, 2009


Back again to see our friends at this wonderful campground. This is our final trip of the year, and we'll both miss camping. Went out to Turning Stone's Buffet with Ariel, Catherine and Joe who all go to college nearby. You never leave that place hungry. Tonight, I was a "Hold 'Em widow again, with Tony at the Poker tables. So far, he's "up".

The guys came to the aid of a camper who attempted to pull into his campsite, with his wife guiding him in, but he took the tree next to it with him. "McGuyver" Bruce grabbed his axe and chopped down the branches, and Johnny T climbed up the tree to free the branches, while the others helped guide him in again. Never a dull moment. Wish I didn't forget the camera - It was quite a sight! The guy scraped up the entire side of his gorgeous motorhome.

Enjoyed the traditional blazing campfire at The Browns' campsite, with our circle of friends. Loved the traditional Saturday Night PotLuck Dinner - what a spread! Left with a couple of recipes.....Barb's Clam Chowder and Kathy's yummy dessert. Both so easy, that I think even I can make them.

Well, the time has finally come around again to end the camping season, and hope that the springtime comes soon. Best thing about the long, cold winter, is that its the best time to plan all the roadtrips for next season! See ya next year!