Spending the week in DC. Saw the Viet Nam Memorial Wall, Lincoln Memorial and the Museum of American History which had an exhibit called The Price of Freedom. In it at the Viet Nam War section, was an actual helicopter from Tony's group in VN: 173rd Assault Helicopter Robinhoods.
Also saw the Bureau of Engraving & Printing, where the tour shows how paper money is made. No samples though!
Day 2: Spent the day at The Air & Space Museum - What a fantastic place! Saw an Imax movie and watched a Planetarium show.
Day 3: Tried to get tickets to go to the top of the Washington Memorial, but they were all gone for the morning. Walked over to the White House-

Then went to The Spy Museum which was a hoot!
Had Joy and Rick over for dinner at the Campground and really enjoyed seeing them.
Day 4: Went to the Arlington Cemetery. Saw The Eternal Flame at the Kennedy Family Gravesites.
Watched the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. This precise procedure takes place every 30 minutes, 24/7/365, no matter what the weather or conditions. During the 9/11 attack on The Pentagon, the guard was asked if they wanted to break the tradition, and they refused. They will never abandon the honor. Amazing - very touching.
Also took a tour of the Capitol - Magnificent architecture!
Another great trip ends. This was our "shake down" trip for the "new" motorhome and everything went well. Seems like we're a GO for the cross country trip next month :-)