They're storing it til April, so we didn't have to drive our unit on a special trip to drop it off, and no storage costs all off season either! Can't wait to get it. Hopefully, Lancaster in April will be our first trip with the "new" motorhome.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Last trip of the year for us :-( Went on our second gathering to Turning Stone and met some new people from Went to the Syracuse RV Show and saw a 2007 Tiffin Phaeton with a great floor plan and all the bells and whistles. Had learned about this exact motorhome in Hershey, but they wouldn't come down to our expected price......til now. Went for a ride, and decided this baby was for us! Signed the deal, and emptied out our unit, and left Syracuse in a stuffed Jeep. Looked like the Beverly Hillbillies.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Took a few days to check out the RV Show in Hershey - Met up with Paul, Glen and Sandy, who came up for the day. Walked miles till we were both worn out. Saw a nice Damon Tuscany with 3 separate rooms, and researching used 2007's which is more in our price range. Nicest one was Newmar's King Aire - ONLY $726,000.
Found out about an 06 Holiday Rambler for a good price, and drove all the way to Syracuse from Hershey, but after driving it, we felt the power was just not there. Also saw a nice 07 Tiffin Phaeton but no luck negotiating a good price.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
We had a fun roadtrip with Mary & Roy, and camped outside of Atlantic City. Had great weather and lots of Casino time. Tony got in a Texas Hold"Em Tournament and placed 45th out of 400. The meals were fabulous and both Borgata and The Water Club were outstanding.

Mary & I took a long walk on the boardwalk to shop and enjoy the fresh air and see the beach.
We took a trolley tour in Cape May and did some shopping, of course.
The Victorian Homes were colorful and as pretty as a picture.
They looked like gingerbread houses! Many
were over a hundred years old. Tony would know this if he stayed awake on the tour. But, alas, the time of the tour unfortunately coincided with his naptime.
We drove down to see the Cape May Lighthouse and Nature Museum. Tony met a friend!
A great time spent with our friends on their first RV Trip!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Took a short roadtrip with Doreen & Bill to boondock at Foxwoods. We drove over to the Nautilus Submarine Base and Museum, which was very interesting. A little too claustrphobic I would think.
Also went to the historic town of North Stonington Village ( I took a lot of heat for this one! Let's just say: If you blinked, you missed it!!) Mystic Shopping Village was nice.
Since we boondocked, we were concerned about water conservation, and after we dropped Doreen & Bill off at the Bridgeport Ferry for their trip home, we went to the dump station, and realized we were just about OUT OF WATER! I guess 2 1/2 days with 4 adults used all the water we had! So now we know!
Of course, we all made our donations to Foxwoods! Saw Lisa "Trashmouth" Lampanelli at the MGM Grand Theater. There's one over the top broad! No one is spared with her!
Always have a lot of laughs with Doreen & Bill.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Drove out on a Sunday morning - NO Traffic! Stopped in Bridgehampton to see Barbie & Uncle Pete for lunch at the Chicken Coop. Didn't get to see the newest Mansfields as it was naptime for the kiddies. But DID get to see the 3 little puppies!

Spent 3 days at Kathy & Pete's house near the beach in Montauk. Hooked up right in their driveway. Tight squeeze driving through the trees to their driveway!
Because the driveway is an incline, we couldn't get the levels right, so we walked uphill for 3 days!
Montauk was beautiful as ever and no crowds yet. Had a great day out on the boat.
Had Duryea's famous Clam Chowder -mmmmmm- and Gossmen's Dock for the obligatory Montauk Sweatshirt and lobster. Lost our money to Pete in Texas Hold 'Em!
On the trip home, stopped to see Joanne for lunch and saw her gorgeous new home. Could get lost in there!
Back home with lots of memories!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This was our first trip to this historic city. We stayed at Gettysburg CG and there were about 25 rigs in attendance. We all made the best of the damp weather. We hired a private Battlefield Tour Guide, who drove us around for 2 hours, explaining the dynamics of the Battle for Gettysburg.
Another fabulous Pot Luck Dinner - One of our favorites was Barb Smith's Crock Pot New England Clam Chowder. Yummmmm.
Larry and Paul fixed our Trailer Plug. Chris & Tina arranged for a Softball Game with Drummer Boy CG, but no one else from our CG showed up, but it was nice to see C & T again.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Our second gathering with the group. Dreary weather, but great people! Went to the Shady Maple Buffet (twice!) and the Green Dragon flea market. Ordered a name plaque for the RV site. Will have it in time for Gettysburg in May. We had marguerita night, thanks to Vickie and Dave, and roaring fires in the pavillion thanks to Chris & Tina supplying the wood. It was great to meet Tina after emailing back and forth - feel like I know her forever.
We hosted a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning, and Joy helped Tony with the flapjacks. Think it went over well, and it was a good way to meet everyone that we hadn't met before.
173rd Assault Helicopter Reunion 2007
We drove down to Swansboro, NC to attend the annual reunion of the "Robin Hoods". These guys were all together in Viet Nam in the late 60's, and have been meeting for years, but Tony just hooked up with them last year. Danny and Margie came with us, and we enjoyed a clambake at Larry's f
Turning Stone
After posting and following the forums on for the last six months, it was time to attend our first "gathering". We met some great folks, and look forward to camping with them again. Tony got to play Texas Hold 'em in the casino, and we had a huge pot luck dinner on the last night. He also went to the RV Show in Syracuse with Paul and Sandy, and learned a lot from them bout researching RVs.
Long Island Trip
Danny and Margie's Michele married Matthew in July 2007, on Long Island. We thought we'd combine a trip to visit our friends while we were there. We boondocked in the Hotel parking lot on Friday night, and Danny and Marge took us all out to dinner. I don't think Danny knew he was doing that! The next day, Doreen and Bill drove down to pick us up and we went out to lunch. Then, the beautiful wedding took place that evening. We were treated to a wonderful Brunch the next morning, then, off to see our friends.
We visited Uncle Petey and Barbie, and the puppies for a couple of days, and Tony and Uncle Petey had to cut into the driveway arbors to allow for the RV to fit. We had breakfast on the beach, and a great day. On the way home, we stopped to see Joanne, and also caught Jason and Joelle.
Monday, April 21, 2008
El Diablo - The RV From Hell
The Trip Home
and our total time waiting is 5 HOURS!! We want to follow the tow truck, but the driver says he has to disconnect the drive shaft, and suggests we go get some dinner and a motel for the night, and gives us the repair shop info where we should go in the am. So, off we go, doing the obligatory RV shopping in Wallyworld (Walmarts), and we settle in for the night.

Well, we did it! We bought our first RV! We drove out of the sellers' development, with me in the rental car, following Tony driving OUR 'NEW' RV!! Very exciting. As we drive away, we get no more than 8 miles away - 5 minutes - and Tony quickly pulls off to the shoulder. I get out, smelling something burning(!!) He jumps out of the MH, mumbling: "The temperature went up and the alarm went on". As he looks under the engine, he finds the remaining portion of the alternator belt, dangling in the breeze. This doesn't seem right, I think. We call the seller who drives out to us. I call Coach Net, the emergency road service. After a long time, the seller finds the engine number, and calls "his guy" who can bring another belt, and get us on our way. "Cancel the tow truck" he says. I am doubtful, but I cancel Coach Net. Later, the guy shows up with a belt. Gets under the rig, and then comes back and tells us: "It's the wrong size belt....But I think I can get in to work".... Now I'm REALLY worried. You shouldn't have to "get an alternator belt to work". Hmmmmm....... Well after a LONG while, Mr. Fix-It admits he is useless. Back on the phone to Coach Net. They said: "See ?? I told ya!" Now it'll be another hour. Well, the tow truck arrives,
Bright and early the next day, we find the repair shop, and there's our Baby in the parking lot. We drive around to it, but.......what's that hanging down in the front?? Why.....ITS THE MIRROR !!! It must have been side-swiped by the tow truck!! Did somebody say Murphy's Law??
We arrange for the repair to be done, and also get some much needed maintenance done. The shop owner finds out that a new mirror takes 3 weeks to special order. GREAT! He suggests we take it to his welder guy, and see if they can fix it. ( And, OF COURSE, the tow truck guy said he didn't hit the mirror! We drop the mirror off with the welder, and now try to locate new front tires while we are waiting (all day). Turns out, out of 20 tire dealers in the area, NO ONE has these tires, except a distributor in West Palm Beach, an hour and a half away! Of course!! Now, the local tire dealer who is going to mount these bad boys, warns us: "Make sure you're back by 5 o'clock, or it'll cost you an extra $85 for the boys to stay overtime!"
So, off Tony goes, in the compact rental car, and drives the hour and a half to buy these tires, but the tire guys say: "You're NEVER gonna fit them in THAT car!!" Tony says: "These &%$!!?** tires are going in this car even if I have to tie them to the roof!" Well, he gets them squeezed in, to the amusement of all of the tire guys who came out to see this show! Now, because the tires are in the back seat (of a compact car) he is all scrunched up to the steering wheel, and this is how he drove an hour and a half back to Okeechobee!!
Well, the repairs are all done, and the mirror welded and I drive the motorhome to the tire dealer to meet up with Tony, and OF COURSE, he arrives AFTER 5 o'clock, so its an extra $85 on top of the $750 for the tires. We get the damn tires mounted, and take off for home, 36 hours over schedule.
The trip home was fairly uneventful, except for a trickling of water in the coach, from what turns out to be a clogged ice maker tubing. And OF COURSE, Tony doesn't allow us to use the dash air conditioner, so we don't stress the new alternator belt! Thank Goodness the generator works, and we use roof A/C !! On the way home, the MH gets its first bath at a truck wash in South Carolina.
We make it home in one piece, thankful for small favors :-)
Visited States
Another trip was "out west" in 2006, with Danny and Margie. What a great trip! Now we were getting the hang of this RV thing. We flew into Denver and picked up a large Class C, and off we went, north to Cheyenne, WY for a visit and a little shopping , of course! We caught a Gunfight in town, too! Spent a few hours, then found a place to camp for the night. It was downwind from a cow pasture, so we were treated to the scents of nature! In the morning, we were off to South Dakota, to check in to Mt Rushmore KOA as our base for a few days. We drove through nearby Custer State Park, where the wild mules and buffaloes rule. Just be sure to have some treats for the mules, or you won't be able to pass them. We loved Mt. Rushmore! It is immense and photos do it no justice. Just imagine the time and effort it took to carve these 4 tremendous faces out a mountain. Another day we drove up to Deadwood, and spent the day there. Took a City tour, saw another shoot-out, the guys did a little gambling, saw the re-enactment of Wild Bill Hickcock's last card game, when he held Dead Man's Hand - aces and eights - which is still called that today. Then on to Crazy Horse Memorial for the nighttime laser show. Now THIS is a work in progress! Wonder if we'll ever see the finished product??
Left the area, and drove west to see Devil's Tower- the huge flat topped rock formation filmed in Close Encounters of the Third Kind - in Wyoming. Then a day later, we visited Custer's Last Stand in Montana. Could have spent a couple of days there. Took a ride out to see the battlefield, where markers indicate where the men fell. Custer's last mistake. Listened to Rangers give talks about how the Native Americans lived.
Back into Wyoming, and west to Cody for a couple of days. The museum is actually 5 museums in one. Fabulous! Also did a city tour, and caught a Rodeo one night.
Into the west entrance of Yellowstone NP, for a couple of nights. The first night we camped in the North Loop, and did the bus tour. Here, there are more wild animals than in the south, where we spent the second night. The Park is an active volcano, with hot springs and "paint pots", and Old Faithful never disappoints the tourists. Truly a national treasure!
Out through the south gate, and on to Grand Teton National Park - another beautiful place. We stayed near Jackson Hole and spent some time there, before ending our trip. We left by way of Utah and Idaho, staying at Bear Lake for the last night, where the lake is as blue as the Caribbean Sea.
We drove on to Salt Lake City, and returned the RV, and rented a car to drive around the city on our last day. Had to kill some time and it was sooooo hot that we saw TWO movies. Then, the red-eye back home! We killed the last of the Vodka in the waiting area, and we all had a good sleep all the way home!
This was the last time we rented , and we chose a Class A Motorhome this time. We went with Doreen and Bill, and we were on a mission to find a retirement home in the Carolinas. Saw some gorgeous new homes for half of what they'd be in our area, and found a nice area - Calabash NC. Bob Carberry visited us in the car we all rented, and we drove around the Raleigh area for a few days. Spent some time in Myrtle Beach, saw a Legends show, and MORE new homes. Visited with Maryann and Mark in Hampstead, NC and Roy and Mary in Sunset Beach, NC.
Then, in May, we learn of a "friend of a friend" who is selling a Class A down in Okeechobee Florida, or Yeehaw Junction to be exact! By now, Tony and I realize that we love RVing, and ask for info and photos of the motorhome. We checked price guides, and flew down to check it out. It was immaculate. A 2001 Reflection by Forest River, Diesel Pusher, with 26,000 miles - not even broken in. We flew home, arranged for a RV Doctor to check it out, and got the financing in order. Flew down in June to pick it up and drive it home. Now, THAT"S another Post!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
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